Restocking and Reworking Loads: Interstate Cold Storage

Warehouses have traditionally supported the carrier market by taking in loads for short-term storage (due to a missed inbound appointment elsewhere), restacking shifted loads, and cross-docking products where a driver is running out of hours and another driver will complete the route. However, these services became more challenging to perform in recent years.


Whenever temperature-sensitive products need to move from warehouse to warehouse or warehouse to retailer, multiple elements along the chain must be perfectly dialed in to reduce the odds of lost product. 


In the third of our multipart series, we will continue discussing the impacts of the pandemic from a 3PL cold storage company’s vantage point. In this post, we will be covering the pandemic and safety changes in the 3PL cold storage industry.    


In the second of our multipart series, we will continue discussing the impacts of the pandemic from a 3PL cold storage company’s vantage point. In this post, we will be covering the pandemic and how labor shortages affect the 3PL cold storage industry.    


As we are now in the third year of the global pandemic, many industries from restaurants to retail shops are struggling with labor and product shortages. Cold storage is no different. Even before the pandemic, several forecasts predicted both labor and driver issues as well as storage space shortages. In this multipart series, we will discuss the impacts of the pandemic from a 3PL cold storage company’s vantage point.   


If the pandemic has taught us anything in the cold storage industry, it’s that cold storage is becoming more and more necessary. This is true not only for food but for the medical world as well. With room to grow at all our locations across the Midwest, Interstate Cold Storage is the only cold storage provider determined to keep up with growing capacity needs. 


We live in an incredible era — and sometimes, we take it for granted. We're not talking about the Information Age, but the Refrigeration Age. Like automobiles and household electricity, we've only had access to refrigeration in our homes for a little over 100 years. Your great-grandmother probably had an icebox that relied on regular ice deliveries. She didn't have a refrigerator. (more…)

Contrary to what most people think, frozen food storage is an art and, like any other art, it requires delicacy. If any one part of the frozen food chain stops working, the rest of it becomes useless because the quality of the food is already affected. For frozen food storage to work, it needs to be monitored continuously. If the quality of the food that reaches the consumer is going to be high, then the process of freezing and transporting the frozen food needs to go without a hitch. If you're looking for a company to provide frozen food storage for your food product, then here are a few things you need to consider:

The global cold chain is a necessary part of our lives as it simplifies life through the transportation of food from where it's grown following the various stages until it reaches the consumer. Each food product has its own journey through this supply chain but one main challenge that requires addressing is the appropriate and safe temperature. This is taken care of the cold chain. (more…)

Companies globally are working towards creating reliable cold chain management to ensure products arrive safely and in good condition for consumption. However, cold chains still fail, and food products get exposed to various risks. That said, here are the top 4 risks associated with food cold chain management and how to address them. (more…)

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